100% SATISFACTION ASSURED: Our goal is for you to be fully content with every item you buy. If you find any aspect of the product you received unsatisfactory, we’ll issue a refund if it doesn’t perform as expected. Just send us an email detailing the issue, and we’ll address it promptly.
Our packet material is made of breathable nonwoven fabric cloth. These premium silica gel beads do not change shape and keep their dry surface even saturated with water. They can be reused. Tips to reactivate, place in the oven for about an hour at 200F, or microwave for about 8-10 minutes at Defrost Mode.
USAGE DIRECTIONS: Each 2 gram packet can cover approx.1 gallon/ 0.14 cu.ft. volume container. We recommend adding extra packets than suggested for better protection. Put your items and these premium silica gel packets in a sealed container to protect your items from moisture damage. Use premium silica gel packets to protect your important documents, collectibles, books, valuable computers, electronics, camera lens, jewelry, photo album, leather items, shoes, silver, guns, ammos, etc
Package includes: 100 desiccant packets. 2 gram each packet. Packet dimensions: 1.75" x 1.3" (inch).